1980 Exibition, Studio Gabrielli - Via Margutta – Roma

When in 1961 the very young Bronchi exhibited at the 88 gallery in this same Via Margutta, Giovanni Carandente wrote about him: "a tenacious and profound alternative between the world of reality and the autonomy of form, a dormant echo of surrealist restlessness and the lucid analysis of certain fantastic situations but juxtaposed in terms of chromatic register, a solution of continuity between the material and the image, so that the former does not prevail over the latter. "
Many years have passed and even in the evolutionary process of artistic labor, Carandente's words remain valid for this painter who, having always lived in his native Spoleto, was able to remain in that nature that his original sensitivity had given him.
In his dream visions he transforms the sensations into reality and sees the Man of today immersed in this, with his dreams and his sufferings.
With these contrasts, in an atmosphere of purity and abstraction that only the detached and ascetic Umbria can still give today, Fausto Bronchi expresses himself.
The technique has freed itself from the trappings of the trade to let us read the most essential lines of the idea.
Bronchi is neither an abstract nor a figurative one, only those who approach his painting freed from preconceptions become aware of the dry and at the same time highly poetic language of a painter who is neither settled in outdated traditionalisms nor engaged in vain demagogic research. .
Despite the simplicity of man, Bronchi is an intellectual painter; these two opposing capacities make him an artist who fascinates, in a spell-like attraction.
Our interest today is aimed at the fact that after a few years from the exhibitions in Italy and America, finally, overcoming the reluctance of man, we managed to push him out of that voluntary exile of the Spoleto mountains in which in a productive torpor, painting more for himself than for the others, he had retired to that same Umbria which gave birth to Burri and where this great painter has once again taken refuge.
Today that qualitative knowledge is re-entering science, we are gradually doing justice to certain easy fashions that had misled the judgments and through a study of the philosophy of vision, the imaginative capacity of the eye is affirmed.